Assignment 9: Computational Geometry
WARNING: Many problems in this assignment don’t use special judge to handle floating point error. Therefore, it can be very tricky to get your code accepted even if your algorithm is correct. Theoretically, arbitrarily small error can lead to wrong answer. Practically, you should always compute the result as accurate as possible, regardless of the accuracy requirement.
1905 Expanding Rods (1)
2653 Pick-up sticks (2)
2318 TOYS (3)
2074 Line of Sight (4)
1696 Space Ant (4)
2540 Hotter Colder (5)
1228 Grandpa’s Estate (6)
1408 Fishnet (7)
1584 A Round Peg in a Ground Hole (7)
3525 Most Distant Point from the Sea (8, challenge problem)
3246 Game (9, challenge problem)